I hit the beach sola today as Diana had hit the wall as far as getting out of bed was concerned. This bothered me none as I like to take photo’s a lot and this can get quite annoying. It was a scorcher and the beach was packed, minus the wind thank goodness, perfect for my last day in Valencia. And I’m afraid I don’t have much more to report as all I did was lie in the sun and swim – exactly what I went there to do! This was also evident from the red raw patches of skin on my stomach, legs and back. And yes, I was wearing sun cream. But as my Mother and Diana had said, after almost two years in Winter conditions my skin was no longer used to sun. Note to self: plan more beach holidays.
At 4pm I head into the city to buy presents for various people only to find it deserted. I should have known better in a Catholic country on a Sunday – there was not one shop open nor a soul in sight. However this did provide for supreme and eerie photo taking conditions, so after a few snaps I jumped the Metro back to Diana’s, finished off the last of our awesome take away feast, said my goodbyes and walked myself back to the airport. So there you have it – my first trip off the island in 499 days – and there’s many more to come…
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